Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fireworks for a Pacifist

We live in an era where certain American holidays call for visible patriotism. Independence Day (now celebrated as the "Fourth of July") is most often celebrated with extravagant fireworks (whose beauty I ever enjoy) But, as much as their beauty, it seems that spectators celebrate the "bang" of the fireworks -- the "bang" that reminds us of the storied might of our nation's military.

But, for those of us who are basically pacifists, celebrating the "bang" of Independence Day is uncomfortable. But what alternative might we have that celebrates the beauty of our independent nation while downplaying its "bang?"

Several days ago, I ran to grab my camera when I caught my wife creating bubbles from a bottle of children's "bubble-stuff." I have watched kids of all ages play with this stuff for decades, but on this occasion the sunlight was just right, and the bubbles took on a vast array of colors, and as they floated through our back yard, in and out of our evergreen trees, I was taken by their beauty -- as beautiful as any fireworks display, but much more peaceful. To me, that day, these simple bubbles represented the beauty of our nation, its diversity and freedom. But they also reminded me that freedom is a fragile thing, and I need to cherish it whenever possible.

My appreciation of this independent nation called the United States is based not on its "bang" in this world, but on the delicacy and beauty of its society and citizens who exhibit a variety of colors and sizes while moving gently through my life.

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